The vertically sliding safety gate type SG4 allows the removal area to be cleared when the rear guardrail is raised. It operates on the principle of an inverted double "guillotine": when the safety gate is in the open position, the front guardrail is vertically slid to the top position and the rear guardrail, placed on the floor, encloses the pallet deposit area. The forklift puts the pallet inside this zone. The operator slides the rear guardrail up. At the same time, the front guardrail returns to its lowered position, closing off access to the void at the edge of the platform. With the pallet gate in the closed position, access to the pallet is possible on three sides.
This pallet safety gate takes up very little space and is suitable for installation on shallow platforms or corridors. The space behind and around the pallet on the platform is freed up to allow operators to move around or work.
The SG4 sliding gate adapts completely to its environment. Its components can be modified to suite the constraints:
- Type SG4M: rear guardrail without low rail to increase passage height.
- Type SG4L: front guardrail with a plint that can be moved laterally to incrase clearance height for pallets.
- Type SG43: pallet gate with floor plates above the void to save more space on the platform.
The SG4 sliding safety gate is available in galvanised, stainless steel and aluminium versions, and can be automated as an option.
Safety pallet gate type SG4 - sliding vertically