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All our models meet the requirements of the French Labour Code (L4121-2, L4224.5, L4214.21, L230.1 to 4, L231.8 et seq, R4323-6 to 13, R 233-3.1.5, R 233-45, ... ), the single document (decree 2008-244), the CARSAT, the INRS and the standards NF E85-015 for the French part and NF EN ISO 14122-3 (§ 7.4.2 Safety gate) for the European part (dimensioning of guardrails).
It is also important to take into account the civil code (articles 1382 - 1383 - 1384), the social security code and the criminal code (after accidents).
The social security website AMELI has an article on access to tank domes:
1.2 Folding stairways
The height of the guardrail must be situated between 1 metre and 1.10 metres. In the case of a folding stairway, install a lock in the safety position, and block access to the gangway if the guardrail is not deployed. The guardrail will remain in the open position, even when the tank is tilted.
Link to the document: recommendations
*This text is an exhaustive and informative summary and the author cannot be held responsible for any interpretations made by the reader.
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